Support a Key Project

Individuals who want to advance the Press in new ways can do so by supporting a key project. Some suggested ways of helping include:

Digitization of books
: Electronic media has presented us with both a new range of options on how to distribute the content we publish and allowed us to develop new and extended income streams. We now reformat the electronic files of front list titles so they can be distributed electronically, and, thus, economically extend their reach literally around the world at the touch of a button. We routinely digitize the hard copies of back list titles so they can be printed on demand in very short runs (as one-offs, in fact) and for as long as there is a market for them. This means that no IU Press book need ever again go out of print again.

However, making our titles ready for these processes is costly, and we can use your help. We have to date digitized about 1,500 of our more than 5,000 titles but have a long way to go. If you’re interested in working with us in this area, please contact Michael Regoli, Director of Publishing Operations.

Endowing positions at the Press
: The practice and academic tradition of endowing a chair dates back to Renaissance England, when a chair literally served as a tangible reward for scholarly achievement. Created by a philanthropic gift, these highly prized positions are supported by earnings from invested funds. The Press has several key management positions available for naming, including the directorship.

Endowment builders
: The Press hopes to build an endowment base of $5 million in the next decade. The income realized from this, an estimated $250,000 annually, would help us to realize our mission and subsidize our publishing program.

We have made a good start toward realizing this goal thanks to a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, which is earmarked for humanities-related projects. In addition, Martin and Helen Schwartz of Muncie, Indiana, generously created the Schwartz Endowment Fund to support publications in Jewish Studies. The John Gallman Fund for New Directions, which honors a previous director of the Press, allows the current director to allocate funds for special needs and projects.There are tremendous opportunities available to play a major part in the future of the Press.

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