There are many ways you can support the mission and work of the Press. Following is just a partial list. Please remember that you should always consult with a tax or financial advisor before deciding to make a major gift or bequest. There are minimum donation and/or age requirements and territorial and licensing considerations for some.
Outright gifts: The fastest and easiest way to support the Press is through an outright gift. You can donate any type of property or cash, for which you’ll receive an income tax deduction. In the case of the donation of appreciated assets, you can avoid capital gains taxes.
Bequest or beneficiary designation: Naming the Press as a beneficiary in your will or naming the Press as a beneficiary on a beneficiary designation form allows you to make a future donation while controlling the assets during your lifetime. This gives you full financial flexibility while still providing some possible estate tax savings.
Charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust: A charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust combines the benefits of a charitable gift to the Press with benefits to you. If you plan to make an eventual contribution to the Press, making an early donation can bring advantages to you. An alternative is to donate the proceeds of the funds to the IU Foundation on behalf of the Press for the remainder of your life. This can yield you an immediate income tax deduction, fixed and often increased income, tax-free income, and possible estate tax savings.
Gift of retirement plan assets: If you have saved more for retirement than you’ll need, a gift of the plan’s assets upon your death can help avoid two-fold taxation of those assets. Just name the Press as a primary or contingent beneficiary.
Real estate gifts: To avoid capital gains tax on the sale of your home or real estate, you can donate the property to the IU Foundation on behalf of the Press or sell it to the Foundation at a bargain price. Another option is to donate the property while retaining a life estate that lets you occupy it during your lifetime. This will yield an immediate tax deduction and avoid capital gains taxes.