- IU Press Journals
- Philanthropy & Education
Philanthropy & Education
Edited by Noah D. Drezner
Journal Information
- Keywords: Anthropology, Economics, Education, Humanities, Management, Philanthropy, Political Science, Sociology, Prosocial Action, Volunteer Studies
Philanthropy & Education publishes interdisciplinary works which examine prosocial voluntary actions benefitting education. The journal’s mission is to advance scholarship in and inform practice around philanthropy, broadly defined, including but not limited to fundraising, volunteerism, civic engagement, alumni relations, corporate social responsibility, and prosocial behavior development. As such, Philanthropy & Education publishes empirical and scholarly studies that are written in a way that is accessible to practitioners across the spectrum of disciplinary perspectives with a clear implication for practice.
Publishing semiannually each May and November, Philanthropy & Education is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal sponsored by Teachers College, Columbia University.
Editorial Office Contact Information
Dr. Noah D. Drezner, EditorPhilanthropy & Education
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 West 120th Street, Box 101
New York, NY 10027 USA
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 212-678-3787
Executive Committee
- Noah D. Drezner, Founding Editor, Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Associate Editors
- Frances Huehls, Associate Editor, Associate Librarian Emerita, Joseph and Matthew Payton Philanthropic Studies Library & Associate Professor, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, USA
- Chase McNamee, University of Denver, USA
- Genevieve G. Shaker, Associate Editor, Associate Professor, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, USA
Editorial Assistant
- Alex Chin, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Book Review Editor
- Eve Proper, Hanover Research
Editorial Board
- Alberto Cabrera, Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, USA
- Tyrone Freeman, Associate Professor, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, USA
- Jason Garvey, Friedman-Hipps Green and Gold Associate Professor of Education, University of Vermont, USA
- Nabih Haddad, Fellow, Harvard University, USA
- Kevin R. McClure, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA
- Kimberly Nehls, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
- Oren Pizmony-Levy, Associate Professor, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
- Justin van Fleet, President at Theirworld & Executive Director at the Global Business Coalition for Education, USA
- Andrea Walton, Associate Professor, Indiana University, USA
- David J. Weerts, Professor, University of Minnesota, USA
Author Guidelines
Philanthropy & Education, sponsored by Teachers College, Columbia University and published by Indiana University Press, is the only journal devoted specifically to the role of philanthropy in educational advancement. The journal showcases the increasingly important role of philanthropy in the realm of education in the United States and around the world.
Philanthropy & Education’s mission is to promote scholarship and to inform practice around philanthropy broadly defined, including but not limited to: fundraising, volunteerism, civic engagement, alumni relations, corporate social responsibility and prosocial behavior development. As such, Philanthropy & Education seeks to publish empirical and scholarly studies that are written in a way that are accessible to practitioners with clear implication for implementation.
Philanthropy & Education welcomes articles from all aspects of education (K–20+)—both domestically and internationally—from a variety of disciplinary perspectives including, but not limited to: anthropology, economics, history, law, management, political science, psychology, public administration, religious studies, social work, and sociology. To further the journal’s mission, Philanthropy & Education welcomes submissions from scholar-practitioners, particularly those who have recently completed their dissertations.
Philanthropy & Education expects that its articles will not only advance promising research, but will also provide practical advice for practitioners in nonprofits, government agencies, corporations, and institutions of education around the world. Furthermore, the journal will include a special mentoring program for emerging scholars and scholar-practitioners (see below) who will benefit from added guidance on writing and publishing their research.
Works submitted to Philanthropy & Education should also not be currently under review elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for all copyrighted materials reproduced in their submission. Authors are expected to adhere to the standards for intellectual property rights and plagiarism, and authors assume full responsibility for the content of their submissions. Authors should submit a short biographical statement (100 words) with their articles.
The journal will be published semiannually, with its inaugural edition slated for release in November 2016.
Philanthropy & Education can be reached at: [email protected].
Review Guidelines
All manuscripts must be formatted according to the Seventh Edition of APA Style. All contributions to the journal should be submitted via our website at http://scholarworks.iu.edu/iupjournals/index.php/ped. Manuscripts must be double-spaced with one inch margin on all sides. They should use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman) in 12 pt. font. They should be submitted in a MS Word compatible format such as .DOC, .DOCX, or .RTF.
Empirical Research Submission
Article manuscripts should be submitted through this site and should be no more than 10,000 words (including all notes and references), plus an abstract (100-150 words) and 3-5 keywords.
Research Notes Submission
Research notes are not full academic papers but are discussion notes, seeking to advance a new idea, theoretical perspective, research program, or methodological approach in philanthropic studies within the field of education. As opposed to full research papers, research notes may follow a less strict paper outline but still needs to make a valuable contribution to the study of philanthropy, broadly defined. Research notes are preferable between 3,000 and 4,000 words (but up to 5,000 may be accepted under certain conditions), including all notes and references, plus an abstract (50-100 words) and 3-5 keywords. Research notes should be submitted through this site.
Book Review Submissions
Philanthropy & Education does not accept unsolicited reviews. Book reviews are solicited by the Editor and Associate Editor, though a reader may recommend a book and reviewer to the journal. If you would like to recommend a book for review please email [email protected]. All reviews should be submitted through this site.
Reviews should be no more than 1,200 words and follow the style requirements outlined above. Book reviews will be evaluated by the Editor and Associate Editor. Reviewers should summarize the book but spend most of the article analyzing it and its place within the broader literature. Reviewers are also welcome to offer their opinions but to do so in a civil manner.
Review Process
Philanthropy & Education will employ a double-anonymous review, where both the reviewers and the author remain anonymous throughout the process. Reviewers are matched to the paper according to methodological and contents area expertise.
Initial Review
The Editor, together with the Associate Editors, will screen all new submissions before deciding if they should be assigned for peer review. Those rejected at this stage generally lie outside the aims and scope of the journal, are insufficiently original, have serious conceptual and/or methodological flaws, have very poor grammar, or have not followed the submission guidelines.
Authors of manuscripts rejected at this stage will normally be informed within two weeks, at the latest within four weeks of receipt. Philanthropy & Education’s editorial board will aim at providing feedback for all manuscripts rejected without review and, where possible, making suggestions regarding other suitable journals.
Peer Review
When an article is submitted for peer review, it will be assessed by at least two peer reviewers (selected based on expertise and experience with the topic) and reviewed for form and content. Peer reviewers will then decide whether to accept the article, recommend it for revision or resubmission, or reject it. Peer reviewers will return the reviewed article to the Editor and Associate Editor within six to eight weeks. The Editors will then make final decisions on the articles, ideally within one to two weeks.
Once an article is received, the review period should take about two to four months. While Philanthropy & Education will make every attempt to operate within this timeframe, we ask that authors understand if unexpected obstacles delay the review process.
Decision / Revise & Resubmission
Once a decision has been made, the manuscript will be sent back to the author with a decision and comments. If an article is accepted, the author will have a chance to submit a two- to three-sentence biographical statement (100 words) and also make any further edits based on the reviewers’ comments. If the author is invited to resubmit after a major revision, the revised version should be submitted within two months. If necessary, revised manuscripts may be returned to the initial reviewers. Reviewers and Editor may request more than one revision of a manuscript, and alternative reviewers may also be invited to review the manuscript at any time. If an article is rejected, the author will still receive comments and is welcome to reach out to Philanthropy & Education if they have further questions.
We encourage authors to enhance their articles with illustrations. The author will be responsible for providing the illustrations in a form that is suitable for publication, for obtaining permissions, and for paying any permission, use, or processing fees involved with the illustrations. Each illustration must be submitted electronically as a .tiff, .eps, or .jpg.
Successful Submissions
Below are some factors that will contribute to the success of a manuscript:
- Philanthropy & Education will publish full length research manuscripts, research notes and book reviews. Successful empirical articles will have implications for practice section so that this journal is relevant to practitioners and scholars alike.
- Manuscripts must follow the submission guidelines (word limit, style and citations) described above.
- Successful articles will typically include:
- An abstract that concisely describes the article and its findings
- An interesting introduction and clearly stated summary of the article’s findings
- A review of relevant literature related to the topic and a placing of the research within a larger context
- A summary of empirical research methods and sampling procedures
- A well-structured analysis of the findings that places them in a wider context
- A summary of implications of the findings for practitioners and a conclusion that makes recommendations for future study
Special Mentoring Program for Emerging Scholars and Scholar-Practitioners
As more fundraising practitioners seek advanced degrees, they do not publish their dissertation research. In order to encourage and promote the dissemination of this research, Philanthropy & Education is introducing a special mentoring program for young scholars and scholar-practitioners. Philanthropy & Education devotes space in each issue to empirical articles from these emerging scholars. To further encourage these submissions, the Philanthropy & Education editorial board is committed to mentoring the authors through the publication process. Scholar-practitioner and recent graduates’ submissions that are eligible for the mentoring program will undergo the standard review process. However, after the double-anonymous peer-review process is complete, those articles that are determined to be revise-and-resubmits will be assigned a publication mentor from the editorial board. This mentor will help the author respond to the reviewers’ requests and provide developmental editing to prepare the manuscript for its second review.
Unpublished Manuscripts
A manuscript that has been published or that is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere in either article or book form should not be submitted. Philanthropy & Education will not consider submissions that duplicate other published works in either wording or substance.
Articles that are accepted for publication will be copyrighted by Teachers College, Columbia University. Philanthropy & Education allows authors the free use of their materials, include pre- and post-prints, as outlined in the author Consent to Publish agreement.
Please contact the editors with questions about your submission or preparing your manuscript at [email protected].
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses).
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Sixth Edition of APA Style.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring an Anonymous Review have been followed.
Author Fees
Philanthropy & Education does not charge author fees.
Philanthropy & Education is dedicated to transparent and ethical editorial conduct. Philanthropy & Education does not tolerate plagiarism or any unethical behaviors by editors, authors, or reviewers. All manuscripts must be original works and properly cited. The following statement outlines these practices for editors, authors, and reviewers based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct for Journal Editors.
Duties of Editor
Publication Decisions: The editor can accept, reject, or request modifications to the manuscript based on an initial desk review or based on a double-anonymous peer review if the work merits a review.
Review of Manuscripts: The editor is responsible for reviewing each manuscript initially. If the work holds merit, the editor will then send to scholars in the field for a double-anonymous peer review.
Fair Review: The editors are obligated to ensure that each manuscript is fairly reviewed for its intellectual content, without regard to sex, gender, race, religion, citizenship, etc. of the authors.
Confidentiality: It is the duty of the editors to ensure that manuscripts and information regarding manuscripts submitted by the authors are kept confidential.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: The editors of the journal will not use unpublished materials in submitted manuscripts for their own research without written consent of the author.
Duties of Authors
Deadline: Authors must adhere to deadline(s) agreed to with the editor, including but not limited to deadlines for editing and finalizing manuscripts for publication.
Originality: Authors must submit entirely original work.
Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publications: Authors must ensure their manuscript is not submitted to more than one journal concurrently. Additionally, authors may not publish redundant manuscripts, including the use of the same research in more than one journal.
Acknowledgement of Sources: Authors must adhere to all citation standards and cite publications that have shaped their work or research. Authors must all acknowledge all sources of data used in their research.
Authorship of the Paper: If there are multiple authors on the manuscript, authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the piece. All authors must have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and their inclusion of names as co-authors.
Data Access and Retention: Authors must retain their raw data and provide it to the journal if requested.
Fundamental Errors in Published Works: If a substantial error or major inaccuracy is found at any point, the authors must report this the error or inaccuracy to the editor.
Duties of Reviewers
Deadlines and Promptness: Reviewers must adhere to deadlines agreed to with the editor. If the reviewer does not feel it is possible for them to complete the review within the agreed upon timeframe, this should be promptly reported to the editor.
Confidentiality: All manuscripts and submitted information by authors must be kept confidential and be treated as privileged information.
Acknowledgement of Sources: To the best of their ability, reviewers must ensure that authors have acknowledged all sources of data used in the research. If the reviewer finds there to be any kind of similarity or overlap between the manuscripts under consideration or with any other published paper of which reviewer has personal knowledge, the reviewer must notify the editor.
Objectivity: All reviews should be done objectively, and the reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
Conflicts of Interest: If at any point the author discovers any potential competing interests or conflicts of interest, they must disclose this information to the editor.
- Subscription and Ordering Information
- Read Online: JSTOR
- ISSN: 2470-7686
- e-ISSN: 2470-7694
- Frequency: biannually
- First Issue: Volume 1, number 1 (November, 2017)
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