- IU Press Journals
- The Global South
The Global South
Edited by Leigh Anne Duck
Journal Information
- Keywords: African American Culture, African Studies, Colonialism, History, International Studies, Latin American Culture, Narratives, Poetry, Political Violence, Slavery
The Global South is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on how world literatures and cultures respond to globalization. Particularly of interest is how authors, writers, and critics respond to issues of the environment, poverty, immigration, gender, race, hybridity, cultural formation and transformation, colonialism and postcolonialism, modernity and postmodernity, transatlantic encounters, homes, diasporas, and resistance and counter discourse, among others, under the superordinate umbrella of globalization.
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Associate Professor
Department of English
C-217 Bondurant Hall
University of Mississippi
P.O. Box 1848
University, MS 38677
Email: [email protected]
- Leigh Anne Duck
Advisory Editorial Board
- Bill Ashcroft, University of New South Wales
- Les Back, Goldsmith’s College-University of London
- Eva Cherniavsky, University of Washington
- Deborah Cohn, Indiana University
- Santiago Colás, University of Michigan
- Gaurav Desai, Tulane University
- Arif Dirlik, University of Oregon
- Anne Donadey, San Diego State University
- Toyin Falola, University of Texas-Austin
- Dorothy Figueira, University of Georgia
- Gareth Griffiths, University of Western Australia
- Matt Guterl, Brown University
- George Handley, Brigham Young University
- Kenneth Harrow, Michigan State University
- James Hall, University of Alabama
- John Hawley, Santa Clara University
- Mike Hill, Albany University (SUNY)
- John Howard, King’s College-University of London
- Noel Ignatiev, Massachussets College of Art
- Abdul JanMohammed, University of California-Berkeley
- McKay Jenkins, University of Delaware
- Rosemary Jolly, Queen’s University
- Christopher Kelen, University of Macau
- Tara McPherson, University of Southern California
- Masao Miyoshi, University of California-San Diego
- Sharon Monteith, University of Nottingham
- John Mowitt, University of Minnesota
- Meenakshi Mukherkjee, Jawaharlal Nehru Univeristy
- Lois Parkinson Zamora, University of Houston
- Gustavo Pérez Firmat, Columbia University
- Diane Roberts, University of Alabama
- José David Saldívar, University of California-Berkeley
- Jon Smith, Simon Fraser University
- Matthew Sparke, University of Washington
- Harish Trivedi, Delhi University
- Gerry Turcotte, University of Wollongong
- Robyn Wiegman, Duke University
- Matt Wray, University of Nevada-Las Vegas
The Global South publishes two themed issues a year. Except in relation to these themes, we do not publish reviews nor accept unsolicited manuscripts. If you have questions about upcoming issues, please contact the editor. The Global South follows the style guidelines of the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing, also available in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th ed.
Author Fees and Ownership
The Global South does not charge authors any fees to submit works to the journal. The journal is owned by The Global South and published by Indiana University Press.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The editors of The Global South (TGS) express gratitude to participating authors and reviewers for their submissions to the journal and their integrity in adhering to standards for ethical publication. This journal is dedicated to following best practices on ethical matters, errors, and retractions. Unethical behavior on the part of writers, reviewers, and editorial staff is unacceptable, and TGS does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. Authors submitting articles to TGS affirm that manuscript contents are original and that research methods follow ethical guidelines. The following duties outlined for editors, authors, and reviewers are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Core Practices in accordance with its Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, as well as MLA guidelines.
Duties of Editors
Publication Decisions: Based on external review report(s), the editor can accept, reject, or request modifications to the manuscript.
Review of Manuscripts: Editors shall ensure that each manuscript is initially evaluated by the editor for conformity with the journal’s thematic guidelines. Following the initial review, the manuscript will be sent out for blind peer review, which the editors will use to determine whether to accept, reject, or request revisions for the manuscript. Editors will rely on outside reviewers for expertise whenever necessary.
Fair Review: The editors shall ensure that each manuscript received by TGS is reviewed for its intellectual content without regard to the sex, gender, race, religion, citizenship, etc. of the author.
Confidentiality: The editors shall ensure that information regarding manuscripts submitted by the authors is kept confidential.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: The editors will not use unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript for their own research without written consent of the author.
Timely consideration of manuscripts: The editors shall undertake to consider submissions and subsequent revisions in a timely way. The time from submission to publication will vary considerably depending on the number of revisions required for acceptance, the time authors take to undertake revisions, and the available space in the journal. The editors shall take a pedagogical approach to encouraging new authors and assisting authors in improving their manuscripts. Aside from occasional special issues, articles will generally be published in the order of their acceptance.
Allegations of misconduct: Upon receipt of allegations of pre-publication or post-publication misconduct, the editors shall immediately confer with each other and with a group selected from the Board of Editorial Consultants to determine an appropriate course of action. Where misconduct is determined to have occurred, corrective measures may include the rejection of a manuscript or a statement of retraction of an article, to be posted on the journal’s website and published in the journal immediately after the misconduct is determined to have taken place.
Complaints and Appeals: The editors shall take prompt action in response to allegations against the editorial staff and its reviewers by immediately conferring with each other and with a group drawn from the Board of Editorial Consultants to consider the evidence and determine an appropriate response. The editors shall resolve complaints and appeals professionally and in a timely manner.
Conflicts of Interest and Competing Interests: The editors shall avoid conflicts of interests and competing interests during the publication process by carefully assigning reviewers and providing opportunities for post-publication dialogue.
Intellectual Property: The ownership of intellectual property of articles published in the journal is clearly stated in the Instructions to Contributors on the journal website and in the Consent to Publish and/or Permissions forms submitted to contributors before publication.
Post-publication discussions and corrections: Authors shall review copies of their articles in advance of publication to minimize errors. They also must sign Permission to Publish forms before their articles are published.
Duties of Authors
Reporting Standards: Manuscripts must follow the submission guidelines of the journal.
Originality: Authors shall affirm during the submission process and on the Consent to Publish form that they have written entirely original work and have properly cited other scholarship whenever necessary.
Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publications: Authors shall not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently. It is also expected that the author will not publish redundant manuscripts or manuscripts describing the same research in more than one journal.
Acknowledgement of Sources: Authors shall acknowledge all sources of data and cite publications that have been influential in their research.
Authorship of the Paper: Authorship is limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the study. All who have made significant contribution must be listed as co-authors. Senior authors shall also ensure that all the authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and to inclusion of their names as co-authors.
Fundamental Errors in Published Works: If at any point of time, the author(s) discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in a submitted manuscript, the error or inaccuracy must be reported immediately to the editor.
Duties of Reviewers
Confidentiality: Information regarding manuscripts submitted by authors shall be kept confidential and treated as privileged information.
Acknowledgement of Sources: Manuscript reviewers shall ensure that authors have acknowledged all sources used in their research. Any kind of similarity or overlap between the manuscripts under consideration or with any other published paper of which a reviewer has personal knowledge shall be brought immediately to the editor’s notice.
Standards of Objectivity: Review of submitted manuscripts shall be done carefully and objectively; reviewers shall express their views clearly, humanely, and with supporting arguments.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: The editors will not use unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript for their own research without written consent of the author.
Promptness: If a reviewer feels it is not possible to complete the review of manuscript within the stipulated time, then this information shall be communicated to the editor promptly so that the manuscript can be sent to another reviewer in a timely way.
- Subscription and Ordering Information
- Read Online: JSTOR | Project MUSE
- De Gruyter Saur: IBZ – Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
- De Gruyter Saur: Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur
- EBSCOhost: Academic Search Alumni Edition
- EBSCOhost: Academic Search Complete
- EBSCOhost: Academic Search Elite
- EBSCOhost: Academic Search Premier
- EBSCOhost: Academic Search Ultimate
- EBSCOhost: MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association), coverage dropped
- Gale: MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association), coverage dropped
- OCLC: ArticleFirst
- OCLC: Electronic Collections Online
- ProQuest: MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association), coverage dropped
- ISSN: 1932-8648
- e-ISSN: 1932-8656
- Frequency: biannually
- First Issue: Volume 1, number 1 (2007)
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