Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The editor of Film History: An International Journal is responsible for identifying and contacting peer reviewers, always keeping in mind potential conflicts of interest and making sure that submissions are evaluated in terms of scholarly content and contribution without regard to the identity and affiliation of the author. The editor ensures the confidentiality of authors and reviewers. Based on the internal and external review process, the editor decides whether to accept, reject, or encourage resubmission of the manuscript.
- Guidelines for authors appear on the Film History website and will be sent on request.
- Authors are requested to state whether the article has been submitted to or is under review with another publication and whether the article has previously been published in another language.
- Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the submission. Authors should ensure that all the listed authors have seen and agreed to the submitted version of the manuscript and to the inclusion of their names as co-authors.
- Authors should fully cite the sources of information used in the research and acknowledge relevant scholarly publications.
- For all illustrations, authors should adhere to guidelines concerning Fair Use articulated by the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (
- Articles undergo an internal review by the editor-in-chief and, when relevant, members of the Editorial Board. If submissions are deemed appropriate for the journal, they undergo blind peer review. Film History sends authors reviewer comments and a decision about publication as expeditiously as possible.
- The decision to accept or reject an article for publication in Film History is based only on the submission’s relevance to the remit of the journal and the significance of the submission as a work of original historical scholarship. For revised resubmissions, authors should address all comments and suggestions by reviewers and provide an account of the revisions undertaken.
- Before a submission can be published, authors will be required to sign an Indiana University Press Consent to Publish Agreement and a Permissions Agreement regarding Illustration and Artwork.
- Reviewers should have no potential conflict of interest.
- Potential reviewers are provided with the title and abstract of the submission, and if they agree to serve as reviewers and have no conflict of interest, are sent our guidelines.
- In our blind peer review process, the identities of the author and the reviewer are protected. Reviewers are requested to keep confidential all information regarding submissions to Film History.
Allegations of Misconduct
When there is an allegation of academic misconduct, we solicit a response from those accused, seek full documentation of the allegation, and take any appropriate steps through consultation with the Editorial Board. If the allegation proves to be valid we will publish a correction as soon as possible.