Semiotics of Poetry Semiotics of Visual Language Sensations and Phenomenology Sergei Eisenstein and Upton Sinclair: The Making and Unmaking of Que Viva Mexico! Sexuality in the Movies Shooting Stars: Heroes and Heroines of Western Film Sight, Sound, and Sense Signs Becoming Signs Silence Songs to Seven Strings Soviet-American Academic Exchanges, 1958-1975 Soviet and East European Foreign Trade, 1946-1969 Soviet-Chinese Relations, 1945-1970 Soviet Energy Technologies Soviet Planning and Spatial Efficiency Soviet Strategy for Economic Growth Speech, Writing, & Sign Stubborn Weeds Studies in Area Linguistics Thailand: Politics, Economy, and Socio-Cultural Setting The Affinities and Medieval Transposition Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12