Open Access Books

Text style cover.  The title, Matter in Mind, printed on a tan background.
Matter in Mind
A text style cover with white type on a  purple background.  The title, Metaphor Re-examined, printed on the cover.
Metaphor Reexamined
A black cover with a blue green image of a group of people during music’s classical period.  The title, Meter In Music, 1600-1800, printed on the cover in white.
Meter in Music, 1600-1800
A tan color cover with black bars and stripes sporadically placed.  The title, Modernism in Russian Piano Music, printed in a purple box in the middle of the cover.
Modernism in Russian Piano Music
A text style cover with dark red background with the title, Music and Musical Life in Soviet Russia, printed in gold.
Music and Musical Life in Soviet Russia
A burgundy color cover with an image of Musorgsky.  The title, Musorgsky Remembered, is printed in black on the cover.
Musorgsky Remembered
The cover includes a picture of a large group of Russian soldiers from the early 1900s.  The title, Mutiny and Repression, is printed on the cover.
Mutiny amid Repression
A text style cover with a red and light red background.  The title, Myth, is printed on the cover.
A black and tan cover with a graphic image.  The title, Myth and Language is printed on the cover.
Myth and Language
A text cover with a black background and an orange graphic.  The title, Narrative and the SELF, is printed in white on the cover.
Narrative and the Self
A text style cover with an orange background. The title, Narrative Semiotics in the Epic Tradition, printed on the cover.
Narrative Semiotics in the Epic Tradition
A text style cover with a red background and the title, Nationalism and Federalism in Yugoslavia, 1962-1991, printed on the cover.
Nationalism and Federalism in Yugoslavia, 1962-1991
Text cover - white cover with the title Native North American Music and Oral Data  in red.   Red stripe on lower left hand corner.
Native North American Music and Oral Data
Text cover - white cover with the title Nature and Necessity in red.   Red stripe on lower left hand corner.
Nature and Necessity
Text cover - white cover with the title Nietzschean Narratives in red.   Red stripe on lower left hand corner.
Nietzschean Narratives
A text style cover with a tan background and the title Nietzsche’s Existential Imerperative, printed on the cover.
Nietzsche’s Existential Imerperative
A text cover with a brown background covered with small green leaves. The title, Nineteenth-Century French Song, printed in a tan colored box in the middle of the cover.
Nineteenth-Century French Song
Text cover - white cover with the title, Of Memory, Reminiscence and Writing On the Verge, printed in red.   Red stripe on lower left hand corner.
Of Memory, Reminiscence and Writing: On the Verge
Text cover - white cover with the title, Ontological Reduction, printed in red.   Red stripe on lower left hand corner.
Ontological Reduction
A tan book cover with a sketch of two black birds on a branch at the top of the cover.  The title, Optical Signals, is printed next to the sketch.
Optical Signals
A black cover with a drawing of a man in a tan box. The title, Orpheus in America, printed on the cover in tan.
Orpheus in America