Creating a Google Account

October 6, 2020

In order for Indiana University Press to share a folder and files with you using Google Drive, you must first have a Google Account. This is not a Google Mail (or Gmail) account—it’s simply an account you create that is linked to your primary e-mail address that can be used with Google Drive as we collaborate together on your project.

Step 1. To begin the process, visit this URL:

You will be asked for your name and the primary e-mail address we will use to register with Indiana University Press’s Google Drive account so that files and folders can be shared with you.

Creating Your Google Account
Creating a Google Account

Step 2. When you click “Next” (above) a verification e-mail will be sent to the address you supplied that contains a validation code. A dialog box will appear in your browser asking for the code.

Google Account Email Verification
Verification Code

Step 3. The email from Google containing the code will look like this. Enter the verification code in the message into the dialog box in your browser.

Google Mail containg Verification Code
Email from Google containing Verification Code

Step 4. Once you enter the verification code, you will be asked to complete the registration process shown below. The telephone number is optional.

Welcome to Google Screen

Step 5. Please contact your IU Press representative to let them know you have created your Google Account, and in that message, please confirm the email you used in the registration process. We will then complete the process on our side to invite you to the shared Google Drive folder for your project.

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