“Spanning the period from Attlee’s surprise victory over Winston Churchill in 1945, to the equally surprising decision to leave the European Union in the 2016 referendum, Black’s book is a masterpiece of informed scholarly analysis and opinion.”…
August 20, 2020
The Indiana Authors Awards honor the best books written by Hoosier authors in multiple categories every two years—books that build on the state’s bedrock of literary tradition and provide a vast mine of material for Indiana Humanities’ rich literary programming….
August 18, 2020
Chasing Indiana’s Game: The Hoosier Hardwood Project contains nearly 180 unique photos of basketball gyms and barn courts from around the state, including a beautiful action shot at Shelbyville High School’s Garrett Gymnasium….
August 14, 2020
Tom Mould, the author of Overthrowing the Queen: Telling Stories of Welfare in America, was featured in the Indianapolis Business Journal’s article With rising unemployment,…
August 10, 2020
Listen here to the recording of Lakeshore Public Radio’s Regionally Speaking from Thursday, July 30, 2020.
Jill Long Thompson discusses her new book, The Character of American Democracy,…
July 9, 2020
Tune into Orleans-wake-up on July 13 at 2:00pm to hear author Akinwumi Ogundiran explore topics pertaining to his book The Yoruba: A New History ….
July 7, 2020
The following portion from the article, Rx for the homebound: a new Fred Frailey book, by Kevin Keefe was originally published by Classic Trains Magazine on Thursday,…
The following portion from the article, Israel among the Nations, by Ehud Eiran was originally published by Strategic Assessment on July, 2020. Featuring our forthcoming title,…
June 18, 2020
The following portion from the article, Bugs Come to Life in Ali Beckman’s So Fly Taxidermy, by Dason Anderson was originally published by www.limestonepostmagazine.com on June 17,…