National Association for Music Education Announces Estelle Jorgensen as the Recipient of the 2020 NAfME Senior Researcher Award | National Association for Music Education | Featuring Values and Music Education by Estelle Jorgensen | July 15, 2021
The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) is pleased to present Estelle Jorgensen, Professor Emeritus at Indiana University, as the seventeenth recipient of the NAfME Senior Researcher Award. The award, which recognizes significant, long-term scholarship in music education, was presented to Jorgensen on February 27 at the 2021 NAfME Music Research and Teacher Education Biennial Conference, which took place virtually February 25–27.
“Numbers alone cannot tell the story of a professor’s research impact. Research must be written by authors, and authors need support. Research that is worthy of publication needs a place to go. Estelle enlarged the capacity of our field to do both. But more than that, she helped to create sustaining and sustainable research organizations,” shared Dr. Randall Allsup, Associate Professor of Music Education at Columbia University.
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