
The Left Turns That Led to ‘Taking Funny Music Seriously’

The Left Turns That Led to ‘Taking Funny Music Seriously’

On March 12, 2020, I gave a book talk at California State University, Bakersfield, celebrating the release of Weird Al: Seriously. I began that book because I had wanted to confront prejudices against funny music—ideas that humor in music was somehow less significant than so-called “serious” music or classical music….

Political Camerawork A Conversation with D. Andy Rice

The trailer for Meghan O’Hara and Mike Attie’s In Country (2014) opens with archival footage of the Vietnam War accompanied by a voice-over whose source is quickly revealed to be that of a man dressed in fatigues….

Rooted Globalism

Arab–Latin American Business Elites and the Politics of Global Imaginaries

Triumphant capitalism has in our time engendered a new global class that lives and works in a borderless world,…

