Alain Boillat is professor in the Film History and Aesthetics Department of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Lausanne. His research interests include fiction theory, narration, adaptation and serial practices in cinema and comics, the history of screenwriting practices, the interaction between voices and images in audiovisual media, the representation of technology on film, the science fiction genre, as well as gender and star studies. He is notably the author of Du bonimenteur à la voix-over [From the Film Lecturer to Voice-over, 2007], "Star Wars", un monde en expansion ["Star Wars", a Constantly Expanding World, 2014], and En cas de Malheur, de Simenon à Autant-Lara. Essai de génétique scénaristique [Love is My Profession, From Simenon to Autant-Lara. An Essay on Screenplay Genetics, 2020]. He is the coeditor of Dialogues avec le cinéma. Approches de l'oralité cinématographique [On Dialogue with Movies. Perspectives on Cinema's Oral Dimension, 2016], BD-US: les comics vus par l'Europe [BD-US: Comics as Seen From Europe, 2016], Case, strip, action! [Table, Strip, Action!, 2016], L'Adaptation. Des livres aux scénarios [Film Adaptation. From Books to Screenplays, 2018] and Loin des yeux le cinéma. De la téléphonie à Internet: zimaginaires médiatiques des telecommunications et de la surveillance [Far From the Eyesthe Movies. From Telephony to the Internet: Imaginary Media of Telecommunication and Surveillance, 2019]. In 2019, he edited a special issue of the online academic journal ReSFuturae, devoted to Francophone science fictions comics.