Short Forms of Reference for Donne's Works
Abrreviations Used in the Commentary
Sigla for Textual Sources
Symbols and Abbreviations Used in the Textual Apparatus
General Introduction
Introduction to Volume 6
Texts and Apparatuses
The Anniversaries
To the Praise of the Dead, and the Anatomy.
[Wel dy'de the world, that we might liue to see]
The First Anniversary, An Anatomie of the World.
[When that rich soule which to her Heaven is gone.]
A Fvnerall Elegie.
[Tis lost, to trust a Tombe with such a ghest,]
The Harbinger to the Progres.
[Two soules moue here, and mine (a third) must moue]
The Second Anniuersaire, of The Progres of the Soule.
[Nothing could make mee sooner to confesse]
Textual Introducation
Textual Apparatuses
The Epicedes and Obsequies
[Sorrow, who to this house, scarse knew the way]
Textual Introduction
Textual Appartus
An Elegie vpon the death of the Ladie Marckam.
[Man is the world, and Death the Ocean]
Textual Introduction
Textual Appartus
An Elegie vpon the death of Mrs. Bulstrod,
[Death I recant, and say, vnsaid by mee]
Textual Introduction
Textual Appartus
Elegie vpon the death of Mrs. Boulstred.
[Language thou art too narrowe, and too weake]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus
Elegie On the Vntimely Death of the incomparable Prince, Henry.
[Look to Me, Faith; and look to my Faith, G O D:]
Textual Introducation
Textual Apparatus
To the Countesse of Bedford Sister to the Lord Harrington
[Madame, I have learned by those lowes]
Obsequyes vpon the Lord Harrington the last that dyed.
[Fayre Soule, which wast not onely, as all Soules bee,]
Textual Introduction
Textual Appartus for Letter and Poem
To Sir Robert Carr.
[Sir, I presume you rather trye what you can doe]
A Hymne to the Saynts and To the Marquesse Hamilton.
[Whether the soule that now comes vp to you]
Textual Introduction
Textual Apparatus for Letter and Poem
Appendix: Elegie.
[Death bee not proude, they hand gaue not this blowe]
The Anniversaries
General Commentary
Dating and Early Printings
Donne, the Drurys, and Patronage
The Poet and His Audience
Genres and Traditions
Language and Style
The Anniversaries and Other Works
Notes and Glosses on The First Anniuersarie.
Notes and Glosses on A Fvnerall Elegie.
Notes and Glosses on The Second Anniuersarie.
The Epicedes and Obsequies
General Commentary
Commentary of Elegia.
Notes and Glosses on Elegia.
Commentary on An Elegie vpon the death of the Ladie Marckam.
Notes and Glosses on An Elegie vpon the death of the Ladie Marcham.
Commentary on An Elegie vpon the death of Mrs. Bulstrod.
Notes and Glosses on An Elegie vpon the death of Mrs. Bulstrod.
Commentary on Elegie vpon the death of Mrs. Boulstred.
Notes and Glosses on Elegei vpon the death of Mrs. Boulstred.
Commentary on Eletgie On the vntimely Death of the incomparable Prince, Henry.
Commentary of Obsequyes vpon the Lord Harrington the last that dyed.
Notes and Glosses on Obsequyes vpon the Lord Harrington the last that dyed.
Commentary on A Hymne to the Saynts and to the Marquesse Hamilton.
Notes and Glosses on A Hymne to the Saynts and to the Marquesse Hamilton.
Works Cited
Index of Authors Cited in the Commentary
Index of Titles
Index of First Lines
About the Editors