"In addition to its ample contribution to scholarship on the Caribbean and its musical practices, colonial-, and post-colonial histories, de Jong makes valuable contributions to a number of scholarly literatures concerned with Afro-Caribbean performance practices."
~The World of Music
"De Jong emphasizes 'tambu's' role as a medium of memory, cultural and political commentary, and commemorative history.Fall / Winter 2015"
~Latin American Music Review
"Overall, this volume in Indiana University Press's Ethnomusicology Multimedia series is an important contribution to Caribbean ethnomusicology and studies of creolization processes."
~New West Indian Guide
"To understand Tambú is to understand Caribbean music."
~Donald Hill, SUNY–Oneonta
"Examines the practice of Tambú that is associated with the syncretic religious tradition of Montamentu using memory as a framing device for understanding the African-derived cultural values, musical expressions, and socio-politically resistant behaviors against dominant European-based ideals of acceptability."
~Michael Largey, Michigan State University