"The introduction to the volume asks several open questions and makes clear that the intention of the book is to lay the ground for further research on the Shoah in Ukraine within the framework of Holocaust studies. . . This reflects both the circumstance that research on the Shoah in Ukraine as a whole is still only beginning, and the marginalized status of Holocaust remembrance in Ukraine, too. To give the memory of the victims and the acknowledgement of collaboration on Ukrainian soil a future frame, a Ukrainization of the discourse, the aim of the volume being discussed here, is definitely appropriate."
"This book is groundbreaking, but as the co-editors admit in their Introduction, 'a comprehensive history of the Holocaust in the Ukraine as a whole still has not been written'. . . . Thanks to its rich documentation and clearly written, nuanced contributions, The Shoah in Ukraine is an innovative and interdisciplinary contribution that serves as an essential step in that direction by drawing on history, memory studies, and political science."
~German Studies Review
"[This] volume is a significant contribution to our understanding of the Holocaust as it took place in Ukraine."
~Harvard Ukrainian Studies
"The Shoah in Ukraine sheds light on the critical themes of perpetration, collaboration, Jewish-Ukrainian relations, testimony, rescue, and Holocaust remembrance in Ukraine."
"A useful introduction to a very complex topic, but it also highlights the work remaining for scholars in Ukraine and elsewhere and the continuing need for further international scholarly collaboration.Vol. 68.3 July 2009"
~Sean Martin, Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio
"Deserving special note are Timothy Snyder's chapter on Volhynian Jewry for its elegant and diligent use of both general and Jewish sources; and Karel C. Berkhoff 's sensitive analysis of the various testimonies of Dina Pronicheva, who survived the nightmarish Babi Yar massacre. Omer Bar-Tov concludes the book with an overview of how the Jewish facets of Eastern Galicia's history are systematically ignored and erased by Ukrainians in whose historical consciousness there is no room for how Jews lived and were murdered in a region that was a center of Jewish culture and religion.Summer 5769/2009"
~Jewish Book World
"An excellent volume that approaches the Holocaust in Ukraine from a variety of angles. . . . Highlights the complexity of the 'Final Solution' in Ukraine.April 2009"
~Jeff Rutherford, Wheeling Jesuit University
"Bitter memories and the specter of the Holocaust continue to haunt Jewish-Ukrainian relations. . . . Only a full admission of the disturbing facts of the past and a full respect for the perpetuation of the memory of the former Jewish communities may at least partly exorcise the guilt and open a new page [in their] mutual relations. Perhaps this book may serve as one of the guiding lights in this direction."
~Jerusalem Post
"[This] collection contains an interesting mix of general overviews and more specific case studies written by the experts in their field. . . . [I]t is very helpful to have these different approaches in one volume, which represents an excellent introduction to the questions surrounding the Holocaust in Ukraine. Vol. 89, No. 2, April 2011"
~Slavonic and East European Review
"Written by experts in their fields and accompanied by excellent maps and illustrations, all chapters and the editors' introduction are of very high quality. . . . this volume lays the groundwork for all further study of the Holocaust in Ukraine.Vol. 24.1 2010"
~Helmut Langerbein, University of Texas at Brownsville
"This is a really important Holocaust anthology, and essential reading for all scholars and students in serach of the most up-to-date research and interpretation of the Nazi—and indeed subaltern—killing fields in the Ukraine. Vol. 13:3"
~Journal of Genocide Research
"It represents easily the most detailed and sophisticated survey of the Holocaust in Ukraine that we possess... [A] major contribution to Holocaust historiography.2010, Volume 24"
~Jewish History
"[This book] . . . represents a major contribution to Holocaust historiography.Jan. 9, 2010 online"
~Dan Stone, Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK
"Rarely have I read an anthology that is of such consistently high quality. . . . The writing is almost uniformly excellent and the production by Indiana University Press is of the highest quality. . . . The editors have produced a riveting volume that should attract wide scholarly and general audiences.Spring 2010"
~Slavic Review
"This collection is a worthy enterprise that offers new insights into the Holocaust on the territory of contemporary Ukraine. . . . The investigation of the Holocaust in Ukraine, as well as in Belarus to the north where some 900,000 Jews died, is finally under way.Feb. 2010"
~DAVID R. MARPLES, University of Alberta