Introduction, Gary W. Gallagher
The Anatomy of the Myth, Alan T. Nolan
Jubal A. Early, The Los Cause and Civil War History, A Persistent Legacy, Gary W. Gallagher
Is Our Love for Wade Hampton Foolishness?: South Carolina and the Lost Cause, Charles J. Holden
These Few Gary-haired, Battle-Scarred Veterans: Confederate Army Reunions in Georgia (1885-1895), Keith S. Bohannon
New South Visionaries: Virginia's Last Generation of Slaveholders: The Gospel of Progress and the Lost Cause, Peter J. Carmichael
James Longstreet and the Lost Cause, Jeffrey D. Wert
Continuous Hammering and Mere Attrition: Lost Cause Critics and the Military Reputation of Ulysses S. Grant, Brooks D. Simpson
Let the People See the Old Life as It Was: Lasalle Corbell Pickett and the Myth of the Lost Cause, Lesley J. Gordon
The Immortal Confederacy: Another Look at Lost Cause Religion, Lloyd A. Hunter