Introduction: Community in the Age of Empire
Chad Kautzer and Eduardo Mendieta
Part 1. Transformative Communities and Enlarged Loyalties
1. When Philosophy Paints Its Blue on Gray: Irony and the Pragmatist Enlightenment
Robert Brandom
2. The Unexamined Frontier: Dewey, Pragmatism, and America Enlarged
David H. Kim
3. Pragmatism and Solidarity with the Past
Max Pensky
4. Mead on Cosmopolitanism, Sympathy, and War
Mitch Aboulafia
5. Deliberating about the Past: Decentering Deliberative Democracy
James Bohman
Part 2. The Racial Nation
6. Race, Nation, and Nation-State: Tocqueville on (U.S.) American Democracy
Lucius T. Outlaw, Jr.
7. William James on Nation and Race
Harvey Cormier
8. Race, Culture, and Black Self-Determination
Tommie Shelby
9. Prophetic Vision and Trash Talkin': Pragmatism, Feminism, and Racial Privilege
Shannon Sullivan
Part 3. The Tragedy and Comedy of Empire
10. The Unpredictable American Empire
Richard Rorty
11. Transcending the "Gory Cradle of Humanity": War, Loyalty, and Civic Action in Royce and James
Eduardo Mendieta
12. Pragmatism and War
Robert Westbrook
13. Laughter against Hubris: A Preemptive Strike
Cynthia Willett
Interview with Cornel West, Conducted by Eduardo Mendieta
List of Contributors