Series Editors' Foreword by Louis Emmerij, Richard Jolly, and Thomas G. Weiss
Foreword by Leon Gordenker
Preface and Acknowledgments
List of Abbreviations
Secretaries-General on Preventive Diplomacy
1. Preventive Diplomacy in the Concert of Europe, the Hague Peace Conferences, the League of Nations, and the UN Charter
2. UN Policies and Doctrines of Preventive Diplomacy
3. The Practice of Preventive Diplomacy by the Security Council
4. The Practice of Preventive Diplomacy by the Secretaries-General
5. Preventive Diplomacy during the Cuban Missile Crisis
6. The Practice of Preventive Diplomacy by Representatives of the Secretary-General and UN Subregional Offices
7. The Preventive Role of UN Peacekeepers and Observers
8. Preventive Diplomacy in the Economic, Social, Human Rights, and Humanitarian Fields
9. Preventive Diplomacy in an Age of Genocide, Terrorism, and Nontraditional Threats to Security
10. Cooperative Preventive Diplomacy with Regional and Subregional Organizations
Conclusion: Some Thoughts for the Future
About the Author
About the United Nations Intellectual History Project