"This richly layered collection of essays explores materiality from the perspectives of an international group of feminist theorists. The editors categorize the essays into three sections: Material Theory, Material World, and Material Bodies. In the introduction, the editors argue that feminist theorists tend "to focus on the discursive at the expense of the material." Rather than the concept of mind over matter, this work maintains that matter and mind are equal forces, and that there are real consequences to placing one above the other. After defining the theory, section two looks at nature, which the editors state is "entangled with the nature of philosophy, politics, literature, and popular culture." The third section grounds the other two, giving body to the theories of material feminisms. It is in this last section that readers can see how feminist theory can embrace matter without hierarchy. Summing Up: Recommended. Graduate students, faculty."
~K.G. Saulton, Capella University, Choice
". . . Material Feminisms . . . clearly charts new theoretical waters, demonstrating how feminist thinking about materiality suffuses multiple disciplines and keeps them in lively conversation with one another. . . . [It] provide[s] succinct and rich overviews of where feminist studies, especially feminist technoscience studies, stands today. . . . Material Feminisms includes articles that address race, ethnicity, and disability."
~Olivia P. Banner, University of California, Los Angeles, SIGNS
". . . clearly charts new theoretical waters, demonstrating how feminist thinking about materiality suffuses multiple disciplines and keeps them in lively conversation with one another. . . . provide[s] succinct and rich overviews of where feminist studies, especially feminist technoscience studies, stands today."
~Olivia P. Banner, University of California, Los Angeles
"This richly layered collection of essays explores materiality from the perspectives of an international group of feminist theorists. . . . Recommended.November 2008"
~K.G. Saulton, Capella University
"Specific, groundbreaking accounts of the material effects of ethical, political, scientific, environmental, and other cultural practices."
~Shannon Sullivan, The Pennsylvania State University