Introduction: Eurocentric Scientific Illiteracy—A Challenge for the World Community
Sandra Harding
I. Early Non-Western Scientific Traditions
Poverties and Triumphs of the Chinese Scientific Tradition
Joseph Needham
Black Athena: Hostilities to Egypt in the Eighteenth Century
Martin Bernal
Early Andean Experimental Agriculture
Jack Weatherford
II. Science Constructs "Race"
American Polygeny and Craniometry before Darwin: Blacks and Indians as Separate, Inferior Species
Stephen Jay Gould
Racial Classifications: Popular and Scientific
Gloria A. Marshall
The Study of Race
S.L. Washburn
On the Nonexistence of Human Races
Frank B. Livingstone
IQ: The Rank Ordering of the World
R.C. Lewontin, Steven Rose, and Leon J. Kamin
The Health of Black Folk: Disease, Class, and Ideology in Science
Nancy Krieger and Mary Bassett
Appropriating the Idioms of Science: The Rejection of Scientific Racism
Nancy Leys Stepan and Sander L. Gilman
III. Who Gets to Do Science?
Aesculapius Was a White Man: Race and the Cult of True Womanhood
Ronald T. Takaki
Co-Laborer-in the Work of the Lord: Nineteenth-century Black Women Physicians
Darlene Clark Hine
Ernest Everett Just: The role of Foundation Support for Black Scientists 1920-1929
Kenneth R. Manning
Never Meant to Survive: A Black Woman's Journey—An Interview with Evelynn Hammonds
Aimee Sands
Increasing the Participation of Black Women in Science and Technology
Shirley Malcom
Without More Minorities, Women, Disabled, U.S. Scientific Failure Certain, Fed Study Says
Eileen M. O'Brien
Modern Science and the Periphery: The Characteristics of Dependent Knowledge
Susantha Goonatilake
IV. Science's Technologies and Applications
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: "A Moral Astigmatism"
James Jones
Calling the Shots? The International Politics of Depo-Provera
Phillida Bunkle
Colonialism and the Evolution of Masculinist Forestry
Vandana Shiva
Applied Biology in the Third World: The Struggle for Revolutionary Science
Richard Levins and Richard Lewontin
Environmental Racism
Karl Grossman
V. Objectivity, Method, and Nature: Value Neutral?
Methods and Values in Science
National Academy of Sciences
Nazi Medicine and the Politics of Knowledge
Robert Proctor
Race and Gender: The Role of Analogy in Science
Nancy Leys Stepan
The Bio-politics of a Multicultural Field
Donna Haraway
Cultural Differences in High-Energy Physics: Contrasts between Japan and the United States
Sharon Traweek
The "Relevance" of Anthropology to Colonialism and Imperialism
Jack Stauder
VI. The Future: Toward a Democratic Strategy For World Sciences
Science and Democracy: A Fundamental Correlation
Joseph Needham
People's Science
Bill Zimmerman et al.
Science and Black People
Editorial, The Black Scholar
Science, Technology and Black Community Development
Robert C. Johnson
Towards a Democratic Strategy for Science: The New Politics of Science
David Dickson
Modern Science in Crisis: A Third World Response
Third World Network
Name Index