Selected Works Cited
One Introduction: The Question Concerns Ethics
Two The Question Turns on Ethics:
Self-Overcoming in Nietzsche's Genealogy of the Ascetic Ideal
1. The Functions of Recoil
2. Nietzsche's Self-Overcoming Is the Middle Voice of Metaphysics
3. Genealogy and the Ascetic Ideal
4. The Ascetic Ideal and the Ascetic Priest: "There is Nothing of Virtue in This"
5. "Probably It Infects Even Us"
Three Ethics Is the Question: The Fragmented Subject in Foucault's Genealogy
1. Genealogy's Ethos
2. The Unbearable Lightness of Reason: Reason's Recoil in Madness
3. A Genealogy of Genealogical Knowledge
4. Fragmented Man
5. Games of Truth, the Ethical Subject
Four The Question of Dasein's Most Proper Being
1. Dasein's Eigenste Being
2. A Recoiling Search for Authenticity
3. The Question of Suffering
4. Ecstasis
5. Overturning in The Basic Problems of Phenomenology
6. The Truth of Ecstasis
7. Ethos/Ecstasis
Five These Violent Passions: The Rector's Address
Six "All Truth'—Is That Not a Compound Lie?"
The Aescetic Ideal in Heidegger's Thought
1. The Unfolding of the Ascetic Ideal in the Unfolding of the Appeal of Being
2. Giving Thought to Simple Oneness
3. A Simple Conjunction
4. The Rule of Being in Gelassenheit
5. "We Need Desperately to See in the Dark"