Foreword: A Short Prelude, by Randall Everett Allsup
1. Invitation: Enacting Open Philosophies of Music Education, by Mya Scarlato and Sanna Kivijärvi
2. Studiously Playful: Improvising in Piano Lessons—Pictures from a Learning Lab, by Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos and Niki Barachanou
3. Re-mixing and Re-presenting: The Busy Work of Race in Music Classrooms, by Yan Carlos Colón León
4. "An Official Letter of Reprimand": Rethinking Instrumental Music Education Through Autoethnographic Inquiry, by Christopher T. F. Hanson
5. A Director, a Conductor, and a Teacher Walk into a Band Room, by Robert C. Jordan
6. Teaching for Openings in Adult Avocational Choral Spaces, by Robin J. Freeman
7. How Might Open Music Education Curriculum Nurture Subjectivity in Japanese Preservice Teachers?, by Naomi Katsura
8. The Messy Muddle of Enacting Open-Text Assessment in Music Teacher Education, by George Nicholson and Olivia Tucker
9. Remixing the U.S. National Anthem(s): Toward 'Plastic' Concepts of American Identity, by Mya Scarlato
Afterword: Navigating the Stories and their Key Contributions in the International Context of Music Education, by Sanna Kivijärvi and Mya Scarlato