Introduction / Małgorzata Głowacka-Grajper and Anna Wylegała
Part I: The Memory of Holodomor
1. Idle, Drunk and Good-for-Nothing. Cultural Memory of the Rank-and-File Perpetrators of the 1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine / Daria Mattingly
2. The lieux de mémoire of the Holodomor in the Cultural Landscape of Modern Ukraine / Wiktoria Kudela-Świątek
Part II: World War II in the Ukrainian Memory
3. The War of Memory in Times of War: 9th of May Celebrations in Kyiv in 2014–2015 / Tetiana Pastushenko
4. (In)different Memory: The World War II in the Memory of the Last War Generation in Ukraine / Mykola Borovyk
Part III: Heroes or Traitors: Creating Heroic Canon
5. Symon Petliura, the Ukrainian People's Republic, and National Commemoration in Contemporary Ukraine / Matthew D. Pauly
6. Glory to the Heroes? Gender, Nationalism and Memory / Olesya Khromeychuk
Part IV: Traces of the Lost Multiethnicity and Memory of the Ethnic Cleansing
7. Memory, Monuments and the Project of Nationalization in Ukraine. The Case of Chernivtsi / Karolina Koziura
8. Collective Memory of the Holocaust in Post-Soviet Ukraine / Anna Chebotariova
9. Extermination of the Roma in Transnistria during the World War II: Construction of the Roma Collective Memory / Anna Abakunova
10. Poland and Poles in the Collective Memory of Galician Ukrainians / Anna Wylegała
Part V: History and Politics in a Post-Soviet State: Ukraine, Russia and Independence
11. Ukraine between the EU and Russia since 1991: Does it have to be a Battlefield of Memories? / Tomasz Stryjek
12. A Desired but Unexpected State. The 90s in the Memory and Perception of Ukrainians in the Twenty-First Century / Joanna Konieczna-Sałamatin