Introduction / James Mark, Artemy M. Kalinovsky, and Steffi Marung
Part I: Red Globalisation?
1. The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and Alternative Visions of a Global Economy 1950s-1980s / James Mark and Yakov Feygin
2. The Cold War in the Margins of Capital. The Soviet Union's Introduction to the Decolonized World, 1955-61 / Oscar Sanchez-Sibony
3. The Soviet Bloc and China's Global Opening-up Policy during the Last Years of Mao Zedong / Péter Vámos
4. From Socialist Assistance to National Self-Interest: Vietnamese Labor Migration into CMEA Countries / Alena K. Alamgir and Christina Schwenkel
Part II: A Socialist Age of Development?
5. "Socialist Development" and East Germany in the Arab Middle East / Massimiliano Trentin
6. Entangling Agrarian Modernities: The "Agrarian Question" through the Eyes of Soviet Africanists / Steffi Marung
7. Socialist Worldmaking. Architecture and Global Urbanization in the Cold War / Łukasz Stanek
Part III: Cultural Encounters: Discovering Similarities, Defining Difference, Creating Identities
8. Writing the Soviet South into the History of the Cold War and Decolonization / Artemy M. Kalinovsky
9. Internationalizing the Thaw: Soviet Orientalists and the Contested Politics of Spiritual Solidarity in Asia 1954-1959 / Hanna Jansen
10. Soviet Anti-racism and Its Discontents: The Cold War Years / Maxim Matusevich
11. Southeast by Global South: The Balkans, UNESCO, and the Cold War / Bogdan C. Iacob
Part IV: Global Encounter and Challenges to State Socialism
12. A Prehistory of Postcolonialism in Socialist Poland / Adam F. Kola
13. Competing Solidarities? Solidarność and the Global South during the 1980s / Kim Christiaens and Idesbald Goddeeris
14. China is Not Far! Alternative Internationalism and the Tiananmen Square Massacre in East Germany's 1989 / Quinn Slobodian