1. Organology
I. Historical Reminders
II. The Pedal Harp
General Characteristics
The Parts of the Harp
The Strings
The Pedals and the Modulation Mechanism
"Using the Pedals"
Pedal Notation
Playing the Harp
III. The Lever Harp
General Characteristics
The Strings
Levers and the Modulation Mechanism
Playing the Lever Harp
IV. Electric Harps
The Electroacoustic Harp
The Electric Harp
The Electric-Acoustic Harp
V. Some 21st Century Creations
The MIDI Harp
The Automatic Harp
2. Writing and Language
I. Notations
Measured Notation
Unmeasured Notation
Proportional Notation
Introduction of the Aleatory Element (Indeterminacy)
Open Works
Combination of Several Notations
Superposition of Different Tempi
Writing on Several Staves
Writing with Another System than the Five-Line Stave
Graphic Scores
II. Dramatized Writings
Micro-Choreography, Theatrical Gestures
Dramaturgic Use of the Voice
Use of the Sung Voice, with No Theatrical Indication
Use of the Spoken and/or the Sung Voice with No Text
III. Mixed Forms of Music
Some Works for Harp and Extensions
3. Playing Techniques
I. Timbre
"Près de la table" (Near the Soundboard)
"Bas dans les cordes" (Low in the Strings)
"Près des chevilles" (Near the Tuning Pins)
Harmonic Sound
Sound Using the Fingernail
Koto Sound
Plucked Sound
Vibrated Sound
Portando From One Pitch to Another
Xylo Sound
Pizzicato (Pizz.)
Bartók Pizzicato
Normal Position
Tone-Color Melody (Klangfarbenmelodie)
II. Glissandi, Chords and Clusters
Single Glissando
Fast Glissando
Multiple Glissando
Pitchless Glissandi
Flat, Broken, Arpeggiated/Rolled Chords
Cluster Glissando
Cluster Glissando with Thunder Effect
Muffled Cluster
Tremolo Cluster
Aeolian Cluster
Various Forms of Rubbing
III. Resonances, muffles and silences
Let Vibrate
IV. Hits on the harp
Different Types of Hits
Which Part of the Harp to Hit?
Composers Who Have Elaborated a Detailed Notation for Hits
V. Wire strings
Whistling Sound (with the Palm of the Hand)
Wired Sound (Grabbing a Wire String with the fingers)
Scrape with a Nail or a Plectrum
Thunder Effect
Sustained Thunder Effect
VI. Pedals and Levers
Pedal Glissando
Pedal Trill
Rhythmic Effect with Pedals
Pedal Movement Ad Libitum with Sound Effect
Pedal Buzz
Resonant Pedal Sound
Thunder Effect
VII. Using Objects
Metal Rod
Use of Percussion Instruments by the Harpist
Electronic Bow
Other Objects
Prepared Harp
Inserting Materials Between the Strings (Foam, Paper, Cardboard, Textile, Rubber, Elastic Band, etc.)
VIII. Scordatura
Pedal Harp
Lever Harp
Two Harps
Significant Landmarks
List of Notations
The History of Music in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Contemporary Notation
Musical Instruments, The Orchestra
The Harp
Internet Sites
Repertoire of Works for Harp
Solo Harp
Harp and Extensions
Lever Harp
Lever Harp and Extensions
Duets and Harp Ensembles
Quartets and More
Ensembles and Extensions
Index of Composers Quoted
Index of Playing Techniques