A Feminist Phenomenology Manifesto / Helen A. Fielding
Introduction / Dorothea E. Olkowski and Helen A. Fielding
I. The Future is Now
1. Using Our Intuition: Creating the Future Phenomenological Plane of Thought / Dorothea E. Olkowski
2. Just Throw Like a Bleeding Philosopher: Menstrual Pauses & Poses, Betwixt
Hypatia & Bhubaneswari, Half-Visible, Almost Illegible / Kyoo Lee
3. Transformative Lines of Flight: From Deleuze to Masoch / Lyat Friedman
4. Crafting Contingency / Rachel McCann
II. Negotiating Futures
5. Open Future, Regaining Possibility / Helen A. Fielding
6. Of Women and Slaves / Debra Bergoffen
7. Unhappy Speech, and Hearing Well: Contributions of Feminist Speech Act
Theory to Feminist Phenomenology / Beata Stawarska
III. The Ontological Future
8. Adventures in the Hyperdialectic / Eva-Maria Simms
9. The Murmuration of Birds: An Anishinaabe Ontology of Mnidoo-Worlding / Dolleen Tisawii'ashii Manning
10. Trans-subjectivity/Trans-objectivity / Christine Daigle
IV. Our Future Body Images
11. The 'Normal Abnormalities' of Disability and Aging: Merleau-Ponty and Beauvoir / Gail Weiss
12. The Trans-human Paradigm and the Meaning of Life / Christina Schües
13. The Second Person Perspective in Narrative Phenomenology / Annemie Halsema and Jenny Slatman
14. Hannah Arendt and Pregnancy in the Public Sphere / Katy Fulfer
V. Present and Future Selves
15. Is Direct Perception Arrogant Perception?: Toward a Critical, Playful Intercorporeity / April N. Flakne
16. Leadership-in-the-World through an Arendtian Lens / Rita Gardiner
17. Identity-in-Difference to Avoid Indifference / Emily S. Lee
18. What is Feminist Phenomenology? Looking Backwards and Into the Future / Silvia Stoller