Preface / Peter K. Bol
Introduction / Ruth Mostern, Humphrey Southall, and Merrick Lex Berman
Section 1: What is a Gazetteer
1. Gazetteers Past: Placing Names from Antiquity to the Internet / Ruth Mostern and Humphrey Southall
2. Gazetteers Present: Spatial Science and Volunteered Geographical Information / Michael F. Goodchild
3. Gazetteers Global: United Nations Geographical Names Standardization / Helen Kerfoot
4. Gazetteers Enriched: A Conceptual Basis for Linking Gazetteers with Other Kinds of Information / Ryan Shaw
Section 2: Using Gazetteers in Combination
5. International Standards for Gazetteer Data Structures / Raj Singh
6. Place, Period, and Setting for Linked Data Gazetteers / Karl Grossner, Krzysztof Janowicz, and Carsten Keßler
7. The Pleiades Gazetteer and the Pelagios Project / Rainer Simon, Leif Isaksen, Elton Barker, and Pau de Soto Cañamares
8. Historical Gazetteer System Integration: CHGIS, Regnum Francorum, and GeoNames / Merrick Lex Berman, Johan Åhlfeldt, and Marc Wick
Section 3: Exemplars
9. Building a Gazetteer for Early Modern London, 1550-1650 / Janelle Jenstad
10. Digitally Exposing the Place Names of England and Wales / Paul Ell, Lorna Hughes, and Humphrey Southall
11. Standardizing Names Nationally: The Work of the United States Board on Geographic Names / Michael Fournier
12. The Yeosi Project: Finding a Place in Northeast Asia Through History / Youcheol Kim, Byungnam Yoon, Jonghyuk Kim, and Hyunjong Kim
Section 4: Doing History with Gazetteers
13. Mapping Religious Geographies in Chinese Muslim Society / Mark Henderson and Karl Ryavec
14. Core-Periphery Structure of the Nobi Region, Central Japan, With Reference to the Work of G. William Skinner / Tsunetoshi Mizoguchi
15. Gazetteer GIS and the Study of Taiwan Local Society and its Transition / Pi-ling Pai and I-Chun Fan
List of Contributors