EM Series Preface
Preface: A Confluence of Beginnings
Notes on Language
Part I. Program Notes
1. Introduction: Abidjan USA
2. "Ballet" as Nexus of Discourses
Part II. Stages and Stories
Act I. Vado Diomande
3. Kekene: the Performance of Oneness in NYC
4. "If you aren't careful, you don't know where you will end up!": Vado Diomande and Transcendence
Act II. Samba Diallo
5. "Culture brings everybody together": Samba Diallo's Ayoka
6. "I'm happy because I'm different": Samba Diallo and Exceptionalism
Act III. Sogbety Diomande
7. "You know you're in a different country": Sogbety Diomande's West African Drum and Dance
8. "When you're in a new context, you try things that work in that context": Sogbety Diomande and Adaptability
Act IV. Dr. Djo Bi Irie Simon
9. "Open Village": An Ivorian Wedding in an Indiana Cornfield
10. "Everyone is a cook, but he's a chef!": Dr. Djo Bi and Innovation
11. Thoughts on the Way Out