Preface to the Third Edition
Note on Transliteration
Part I. Generations and Life Passages
Introduction to Part I
1. Traditional Songs from Boir Ahmad Collected and Translated by Erika Friedl
2. Acquiring Reason and Cultivating Strength: Growing up in Rural Morocco in a Time of Development Christine Nutter-El-Ouardani
3. Youth Expressions of Class and Mobility in Beirut, Lebanon Kristin Monroe
4. Harasiis Marriage, Divorce and Companionship Dawn Chatty
5. Two Weddings Jenny B. White
6. Kidneys, Kinship, and Muslim Ethics in Egypt Sherine Hamdy
7. Contested Traditions: Gender and Mourning Practices in Egypt Farha Ghannem
Part II. Gender Relations
Introduction to Part II
8. Young Women's Sexuality in Tunisia: The Health Consequences of Misinformation among University Students Angel Foster
9. A Thorny Side of Marriage in Iran Erika Friedl
10. Cars Culture in Contemporary Qatar Andrew Gardner and Momina Zakzouk
11. Middle Eastern Masculinities in the Age of Assisted Reproductive Technologies Marcia Inhorn
12. Few 'Gays' in the Middle East, but Significant Same-Sex Sexuality William O. Beeman
13. The 'Ramallah Girls:' Social Change in Urban Space Natalie K. Jensen
14. Tamkin: Stories from a Family Court in Iran Ziba Mir-Hosseini
15. A New Jordanian Generation Wears the Hijab Donna Lee Bowen
Part III. Home, Community, and Work
Introduction to Part III
16. Politics, Politics, and More Politics: Youth Life Experience in the Gaza Strip Brian K. Barber
17. Islamist Activism in Jordan Quintan Wiktorowicz
18. Democracy's Collateral Damage Victoria Fontan
19. Politics of Class on an Egyptian Factory Floor Samir Shehata
20. 'Madam, You Drive a Hard Bargain:" Selling to Tourists in Tunis' Medina Simon Hawkins
21. Human Insecurity in Lebanon Melani Cammett
22. Pedagogy, Islamic Education, and Life Lessons in a Jordanian Secondary School for Girls Fida J. Adely
23. Networks, Jobs and Everyday Life in Cairo Diane Singerman
Part IV. Islam in Practice
Introduction to Part IV
24. The Sound of the Divine in Daily Life Kristina Nelson
25. Abu Illya and Zakat Donna Lee Bowen
26. The Hajj in Everyday Life Robert R. Bianchi
27. Abdul Qadar and the Sheep of Aid al-Adha Donna Lee Bowen
28. Tele-Preachers and Talk Shows: Egyptian Religious Discourse Evelyn A. Early
29. Sufism and Everyday Ethics in Turkey Brian Silverstein
30. 'Caught Among the Unbelievers:' How Pilgrimage Shapes Iranians' Understandings of Sectarian Difference Anne H. Betteridge
Introduction to Part V
31. Deposed leaders, YouTube and the Contested Language of Arab Uprisings Becky Schulthies
32. From the Death of Sally Zahran to the Trial of Hosni Mubarak: Martyrs and the January 25th Revolution Walter Armbrust
33. Reinserting Race as a Relevant Social Category in Turkish Football Yagmur Nuhrat, Marcie Patton, Donna Lee Bowen, and Becky Schulthies
34. The Worst Disaster is What Makes You Laugh: Sounds of the Syrian Revolution Jonathan Shannon
35. Al-Aris (the Bridegroom): Prison Literature and Human Rights Salah El-Ouadie Translated by Susan Slyomovics
36. "To Mount at-Tiyal He Declared:" Some Poetry from the Yemeni Civil War Steven C. Caton
37. Sad Songs of the Western Desert Lila Abu-Lughod
Notes on Contributors