Introduction Palestinian Music: Surviving in Song Moslih Kanaaneh
Part 1: Background
1. Palestinian Song, European Revelation, and Mission Rachel Beckles Willson
2. A Musical Catastrophe: the direct impact of the Nakba on Palestinian musicians and musical life Nader Jalal and Issa Boulos interviewed by Heather Bursheh
3. Negotiating the Elements: Palestinian Freedom Songs from 1967 to 1987 Issa Boulos
Part 2: Identity
4. Transgressing Borders with Palestinian Hip Hop Janne Louise Andersen
5. Performing Self: Between Tradition and Modernity in the West Bank Sylvia Alajaji
6. Realities for a Singer in Palestine Reem Talhami interviewed by Heather Bursheh
7. Identity, Diaspora and Resistance in Palestinian Hip Hop Randa Safieh
Part 3: Resistance
8. Performative Politics: Folklore and Popular Resistance during the First Palestinian Intifada David A. McDonald
9. Hamas' Musical Resistance Practices: Perceptions, Production, and Usage Michael Schulz and Carin Berg
10. Palestinian Music: Between Artistry and Political Resistance Stig-Magnus Thorsén
11. The Ghosts of Resistance: Dispatches from Palestinian Art and Music Yara El-Ghadban and Kiven Strohm