"The product of many years of painstaking research and scholarly collaboration and distinguished both by profound linguistic erudition . . . and overall accessibility, this dictionary is a truly monumental achievement in the field of Yiddish lexicography. Yidddish readers of all levels will benefit greatly from having this extraordinary reference resource available to them."
~AJL Reviews
"The appearance of this dictionary is an event of the utmost importance in the field of Yiddish lexicography."
~Journal of Jewish Languages
"No dictionary has ever opened up Yiddish as spectacularly for the English-speaking audience as Beinfeld and Bochner's Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary. Weinreich's is still the best English-Yiddish dictionary — for now — and it may always be a part of Yiddish-language education in America. But Beinfeld and Bochner, and before them Niborski and Vaisbrot, have compiled something truly special, books that satisfy the needs of advanced students, beginners, indeed anyone who can read the alphabet. The Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary is a book you can fall in love with."
~Jewish Daily Forward
"New and up-to-date, the Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary, edited by Solon Beinfeld and Harry Bochner, is a must-have book for both students of Yiddish and fluent Yiddish speakers and writers. . . . This essential reference book begins with an invaluable user's guide that not only introduces readers to the Yiddish alphabet, but also provides a detailed guide on how to use this dictionary and the information it provides within the entries."
~The Jewish Eye
"Students and professional Yiddishists on all levels now have available a crucial aid in their work. Included is a most helpful user's guide, an introduction and road map through the difficulties inherent in working with two distinct alphabets and language systems. This volume is an indispensable, skillful, and user-friendly addition to the field of Yiddish. . . . Essential."
"Superbly attuned to serve anglophone Yiddishophiles and to effectively convey all the Yiddish AND English semantic, idiomatic, and lexical nuances that make a proper bilingual dictionary a true success."
~Dov-Ber Kerler, Indiana University
"An essential tool for all in the English-speaking world who want to have access to the incomparable riches to be found in the vast corpus of Yiddish literature, in Yiddish books and a Yiddish press, published on five continents over the last five centuries."
~Samuel Norich, publisher of the Forward
"The CEYD is an important new resource for anyone who reads Yiddish, but it is a real godsend for Yiddish writers and translators in particular. . . . The CEYD is a magnificent dictionary just as it is, a monumental achievement and an invaluable resource for writers and translators."
~In Geveb