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Teaching Africa
A Guide for the 21st-Century Classroom
Edited by Brandon D. Lundy and Solomon Negash
Contributions by Jean Ngoya Kidula, Toyin Falola, James Ellison, Jeanine Ntihirageza, Durene Wheeler, Kathleen R. Smythe, Todd Cleveland, Babacar M'Baye, Harry Nii Koney Odamtten, Jennifer Coffman, Matthew Waller, Trevor Getz, Ryan Ronnenberg, Caleb Corkery, Linda Johnston, Oumar Cherif Diop, Catherine Kroll, Renee Schatteman, Lucie Viakinnou-Brinson, Amy Finnegan, Michael Westerhaus, Daniel Paracka, Carl Death, Julian Bass and Gary Marquardt
Published by: Indiana University Press
306 Pages, 7 maps
- eBook
- 9780253008299
- Published: May 2013
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Teaching Africa introduces innovative strategies for teaching about Africa. The contributors address misperceptions about Africa and Africans, incorporate the latest technologies of teaching and learning, and give practical advice for creating successful lesson plans, classroom activities, and study abroad programs. Teachers in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences will find helpful hints and tips on how to bridge the knowledge gap and motivate understanding of Africa in a globalizing world.
Introduction Brandon D. Lundy
Part I. Situating Africa: Concurrent-Divergent Rubrics of Meaning
1. Introducing "Africa" Jennifer E. Coffman
2. Africa: Which Way Forward?: An Interdisciplinary Approach Todd Cleveland
3. Why We Need African History Kathleen Smythe
4. Answering the "So What" Question: Making African History Relevant in the Provincial College Classroom Gary Marquardt
5. From African History to African Histories: Teaching Interdisciplinary Method, Philosophy, and Ethics through the African History Survey Trevor R. Getz
6. Treating the Exotic and the Familiar in the African History Classroom Ryan Ronnenberg
7. Postcolonial Perspectives on Teaching African Politics in Wales and Ireland Carl Death
8. Pan-Africanism: The Ties that Bind Ghana and the United States Harry Nii Koney Odamtten
9. The Importance of the Regional Concept: The Case for an Undergraduate Regional Geography Course of Sub-Saharan Africa Matthew Waller
10. Teach Me About Africa: Facilitating and Training Educators Toward a Socially Just Curriculum Durene I. Wheeler and Jeanine Ntihirageza
Part II. African Arts: Interpreting the African "Text"
11. Inversion Rituals: The African Novel in the Global North Catherine Kroll
12. Teaching Africa through a Comparative Pedagogy: South Africa and the United States
Renée Schatteman
13. Stereotypes, Myths, and Realities Regarding African Music in the African and American Academy Jean Ngoya Kidula
14. What Paltry Learning in Dumb Books!: Teaching the Power of Oral Narrative Caleb Corkery
15. Teaching about Africa: Violence and Conflict Management Linda M. Johnston and Oumar Chérif Diop
16. Contextualizing the Teaching of Africa in the 21st Century: A Student-centered Pedagogical Approach to Demystify Africa as The Heart of Darkness Lucie Viakinnou-Brinson
Part III. Application of Approaches: Experiencing African Particulars
17. Shaping U.S.-Based Activism Towards Africa: The Role of a Mix of Critical Pedagogies
Amy C. Finnegan
18. The Model AU as Pedagogical Method of Teaching American Students about Africa
Babacar M'Baye
19. The Kalamazoo/Fourah Bay College Partnership: A Context for Understanding Study Abroad with Africa Daniel J. Paracka, Jr.
20. Teaching Culture, Health, and Political Economy in the Field: Ground-level Perspectives on Africa in the 21st Century James Ellison
21. Beyond the Biologic Basis of Disease: Collaborative Study of the Social and Economic Causation of Disease in Africa Amy C. Finnegan, Julian Jane Atim, and Michael Westerhaus
22. Educating the Educators: Ethiopian IT PhD Program Solomon Negash and Julian M. Bass
Conclusion: Knowledge Circulation and Diasporic Interfacing Toyin Falola
Brandon D. Lundy is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Kennesaw State University.
Solomon Negash is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at Kennesaw State University.
"[T]here are many good teaching ideas to be found in Teaching Africa.55.2 July 2014"
~Journal of African History
"A valuable resource for any teacher of African topics, stimulating new ways of thinking about the study of Africa and providing useful ideas about how to improve one's teaching, enhance student engagement with the continent, and expand Africa's presence within the curriculum."
~Stephen Volz, Kenyon College