"This engrossing collection of 12 interdisciplinary essays covers multiple aspects of 'the Anne Frank phenomenon' . . . The overall aim is to provide a greater understanding of the general and particular engagement with Anne Frank as a person, a symbol, an icon, an inspiration, and perhaps most polarizing, as one victim, not the victim of the Nazi holocaust."
"Principally the work of senior international scholars in history, literature, Hebraic and Judaic studies, and performance and film studies, and of museum curators, this volume is a major contribution to scholarship regarding Anne Frank's diary and its cultural influence. . . . Highly recommended.
"Anne Frank Unbound . . . tell[s] us a great deal about the myriad uses to which one individual story has been and can be put. . . . In addition to these ethical and political questions, the essays engage productively with the aesthetic choices made by writers, visual artists, filmmakers, performance artists, and comedians, who recast Anne Frank in a variety of media and situations. . . . If Anne Frank Unbound is any indication, the diary will certainly continue . . . to raise a set of persistent ethical, political, and aesthetic questions that have been with us since its first publication.
~Women's Review of Books
"These essays provide fresh takes on Anne Frank, her diary, and historical magnitude. The volume leaves the reader in a new place of discovery and awareness."
~Shelley Hornstein, coeditor of Image and Remembrance: Representation and the Holocaust (IUP, 2002).
"This collection of brilliant essays offers fascinating and unexpected insights into the significance of Anne Frank's iconic Holocaust-era diary from many disciplinary perspectives in the arts and humanities."
~Jan T. Gross, Princeton University
"This astute collection of essays unpacks the complexity of Anne Frank as the source of numerous editions, artworks, musical compositions, plays, films, novels, souvenirs, memorials, museums, and so on. It is a superb pedagogical tool for examining the particular impact of Anne Frank's story as well as the larger issue of how cultural icons are constructed, circulate, and inspire engagement."
~Marita Sturken, New York University
"In their highly readable, illuminating essays, a cutting-edge cast of scholars explores the Anne Frank Phenomenon—the myriad mediations that one little plaid notebook has inspired over the last seven decades. . . . Rich and penetrating, Anne Frank Unbound brings into focus the world's ongoing engagement with a girl who has been constantly reinvented as paradigm, paragon, and even parody."
~Alisa Solomon, Columbia University
"A brilliantly conceived and long overdue opening up [or deconstruction] of the Anne Frank story."
~James Clifford, Professor Emeritus, History of Consciousness DepartmentUniversity of California, Santa Cruz, The Predicament of Culture