"There is a growing need for a deep and nuanced conversation between literary studies and media studies; each discipline knows things that the other doesn't, but should. The situation is particularly pressing for literary studies, which has ceded much of its cultural capital to communication studies, cultural studies and media studies over the last few decades. Like Marshall McLuhan, who uttered the same warning decades before them, Budra and Burnham are all too aware that 'Academic literary critics who do not engage with the profound shifts in the delivery of narrative, verse, and argument stand on the cusp of becoming curators of an outdated print culture, antiquarians of the book.' Their anthology 'From Text to Txting' is a welcome contribution to the conversation, offering many starting places for re-imagining literary studies for a new century,"
~Darren Wershler, Concordia University
"The essays in Budra and Burnham's book successfully map out the range of new mediating instances and issues that will define a contemporary role for English studies—and that mapping is both stimulating and innovative!"
~Thomas Carmichael, Dean, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario
"It is not just that this is a timely collection in response to the way in which the digital now wholly saturates our classrooms, our thinking, our reading and writing. It is also that the editors and contributors to From Text to Txting deeply understand the necessity for humanities teachers and scholars to stand firmly in the 21st century and look ahead to where teaching and scholarship ought to go—toward reading and writing the videogame as much as the play, parsing tweets as much as poems, making sense of the comic book as much as the novel."
~Lori Emerson, Assistant Professor of English, University of Colorado at Boulder
"The theoretical treatments are interesting and provocative, but what gives the book an added dimenstion is its consideration of pedagogy—the question of how to integrate this new content in the classroom."
~Teaching & Learning News Bulletin