Foreword \ Alicia Gaspar de Alba
Introduction: Toward a De-Colonial Performatics of the US Latina and Latino Borderlands \ Chela Sandoval, Arturo J. Aldama, and Peter J. García
ACTO 1. Performing Emancipation: Inner Work, Public Acts
1. Body as Codex-ized Word / Cuerpo Como Palabra (en-)Códice-ado: Chicana/Indígena and Mexican Transnational Performative Indigeneities \ Micaela Díaz-Sánchez
2. Milongueando Macha Homoerotics: Dancing the Tango, Torta Style (a Performative Testimonio) \ Maria Lugones
3. The Other Train That Derails Us: Performing Latina Anxiety Disorder in "The Night before Christmas" \ Angie Chabram-Dernersesian
4. The Art of Place: The Work of Diane Gamboa \ Karen Mary Davalos
5. Human Rights, Conditioned Choices, and Performance in Ana Castillo's Mixquihuala Letters \ Carl Gutiérrez-Jones
6. Decolonizing Gender Performativity: A Thesis for Emancipation in Early Chicana Feminist Thought (1969–1979) \ Daphne V. Taylor-García
ACTO 2. Ethnographies of Performance: The Río Grande and Beyond
7. Performing Indigeneity in a South Texas Community: Los Matachines de la Santa Cruz \ Norma E. Cantú
8. Re-Membering Chelo Silva: The Bolero in Chicana Perspective (Women's Bodies and Voices in Postrevolutionary Urbanization: The Bohemian, Urban, and Transnational) \ Yolanda Broyles-González
9. Roland Barthes, Mojado, in Brownface: Chisme-laced Snapshots Documenting the Preposterous and Fact-laced Claim That the Postmodern Was Born along the Borders of the Río Grande River \ William Anthony Nericcio
10. Decolonial Border Queers: Case Studies of Chicana/o Lesbians, Gay Men, and Transgender Folks in El Paso / Juárez \ Emma Pérez
11 "Te Amo, Te Amo, Te Amo": Lorenzo Antonio and Sparx Performing Nuevo México Music \ Peter J. García
12. Sonic Geographies and Anti-Border Musics: "We Didn't Cross the Border, the Borders Crossed Us" \ Roberto D. Hernández
13. Lila Downs's Borderless Performance: Transculturation and Musical Communication \ Brenda M. Romero
ACTO 3. Nepantla Aesthetics in the Trans/Nacional
14. El Macho: How the Women of Teatro Luna Became Men \ Paloma Martínez-Cruz and Liza Ann Acosta
15. Suturing Las Ramblas to East LA: Transnational Performances of Josefina López's Real Women Have Curves \ Tiffany Ana López
16. Loving Revolution: Same-Sex Marriage and Queer Resistance in Monica Palacios's Amor y Revolución \ Marivel T. Danielson
17. Is Ugly Betty a Real Woman? Representations of Chicana Femininity Inscribed as a Site of (Transformative) Difference \ Jennifer Esposito
18. Indian Icon, Gay Macho: Felipe Rose of Village People \ Gabriel S. Estrada
ACTO 4. (De)Criminalizing Bodies: Ironies of Performance
19. No Somos Criminales: Crossing Borders in Contemporary Latina and Latino Music \ Arturo J. Aldama
20. "Pelones y Matones": Chicano Cholos Perform for a Punitive Audience \ Victor M. Rios and Patrick Lopez-Aguado
21. Mexica Hip Hop: Male Expressive Culture \ Pancho McFarland
22. The Latino Comedy Project and Border Humor in Performance \ Jennifer Alvarez Dickinson
23. (Re)Examining the Latin Lover: Screening Chicano/Latino Sexualities \ Daniel Enrique Pérez
24. Rumba's Democratic Circle in the Age of Legal Simulacra \ Berta Jottar-Palenzuela
List of Contributors